Frequently Asked Questions
Progress Report
- Do I need to supply a competitive matrix with my submittal?
- Are line extensions automatically accepted if the original product was accepted by the IES Progress Committee?
- Why do I have to have an attachment for each significance listed?
- What does “provide specific information on how your product is a technological advancement” mean?
- If my product is accepted, how am I able to use the IES Progress Seal on my collateral?
- Why should I participate at the Section level? There are many benefits to being an active participant:
- Do I have to attend Section meetings or activities?
- What does an IES Section do?
- How do I find out which Section I belong to or should belong to?
- Do I need to be a member of IES in order to be a part of a Section?
Lighting Library
- Are only the Sustaining Member full-time (FTE) employees allowed to use the discount codes and Lighting Library logins?
- How do we best administer and secure our company’s Lighting Library access?
- Can I purchase additional login access to the Lighting Library®?
- What if we have more individual members at our company than our Sustaining Member level allows/permits?
- How do I access the Lighting Library?
Illumination Awards
- How do I complete my Online Merit Judging for the Illumination Awards program?
- Can an Illumination Awards Section Chair download submitted projects, photos and videos for Section Judging as opposed to using the online portal to view all projects?
- Are Illumination Award Section Chairs allowed to revisit a completed submission at a later date?
- Can Illumination Award Section Chairs make edits to projects?
- I’m a Section Awards Chair and my Section is not listed on the Illumination Awards submission site. What should I do?
IES Webstore
- How do I obtain a copy of an invoice/receipt for my IES bookstore purchase?
- Can the document I purchased in the IES bookstore be housed/placed on our office network and viewed by multiple people in our office?
- I want to purchase ANSI/IES LS-1-20 standard but I can’t find it in IES webstore. Can you help me to find this specific standard?
- I downloaded the document I just purchased from the bookstore. It is asking for a password, what do I do? What is the password?
- Education